Virtual Appointments:

The session is conducted using video conferencing software. Half an hour before the session you will receive a video link for the virtual session. You will need a computer or smart device with access to a camera, microphone and some privacy for the session.

In-Person Appointments:

Please Arrive just a few minutes prior to you appointment time due to limited space in the waiting room. To ensure privacy, we ask that anyone who is not attending an appointment or waiting for their appointment to wait outside or nearby. There is a library next door, and many cafes and restaurants on Bloor Street.

For child and youth therapy we recommend that one or both parents join the first session, or a part of it. Both parents may attend in person or join by the phone. Please note we require at least one parent to be available by phone during all subsequent sessions.

Your Therapy

556 Palmerston Ave., Toronto, ON, M6G 2P7

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